UV adhesive tape PO substrate_UV Adhesive Tape PO Substrate_Product_Hubei Huishi Plastic Industry Co., Ltd
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Position:HomeProductUV adhesive tape PO substrate

UV adhesive tape PO substrate

Release:2024-9-26 Source: Author: Browse153Order

        PO substrate is a functional base film designed for chip grinding, cutting, carrying and processing of fine electronic components, as well as processing and cutting of various materials for small components. It is an ideal material for UV reducing film and acid resistant film. After coating, it is used in the production process of wafer cutting, glass filters, LED chips, ceramics, and mobile phone lenses.

Produced by 3-layer co extrusion process, with high flatness and uniform thickness;
No small molecule precipitates, stable coating performance;
Clean room production ensures product cleanliness.
Using protective film specific low crystalline point raw materials and production lines to ensure low crystalline point of products.
Expandable PO film
The product has similar tensile properties in both horizontal and vertical directions, suitable for cutting and expanding processes
Non expandable PO film
The product is suitable for cutting and not for expanding film processes

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